Showing posts with label yoyos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoyos. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2025

Heart Shaped YoYos

This was a quick and entertaining project to try, just in time for Valentine's Day! I picked up some interesting tools at the thrift store just close to the end of last year. So I really had to try them out and see if they worked! This one is a Clover yoyo tool, specifically for a heart shaped yoyo - apparently there are many of these tools for all different shapes. I had never even heard of such a thing so had to see if this was actually doable. 

The tool took me a minute to adjust to, but once I understood the rhythm of the stitches all went well. It's a pretty quick way to create something that turns out quite uniform. The fabric is placed in the template, you trim the fabric close to the template,  stitch around the edges (there are openings for your thread so you aren't stitching it right in, that's the part that confused me about this concept!) and then carefully remove your fabric from the template and gather it into your shape. And you zhush it a bit to get the shape just right.

I can see the potential uses of this kind of tool - I'll probably keep my eye open for any other kinds of yo-yo makers at the thrift store from now own, to see if other shapes might come in handy for anything I might want to make. If you like your yo-yos to be uniform, this would be a great tool to have. For just basic circles I'm not sure I'd bother, as they are quick to make and I do like the slight variations of making them by hand. But it would be fun to compare, if I found a set of templates at a reasonable price. Maybe some day!