Sunday, March 9, 2025

Weekend Review: The Intentional Thread


The Intentional Thread / Susan Brandeis
Atglen, PA: Schiffer, c2019.
224 p. 

This is a wonderful book! If you want to learn how to use stitches like paint or pencils, this is the book for you. Brandeis covers many specific stitches, including machine stitching, but it's not just a collection of stitch guides. In fact it's not really that at all. 

This is a design book, where the stitches are shown in many variations, with many ideas how to create and use them in the service of composition and design principles. Not only does it show the stitch and its variations but there is also a "Try This!" addition to each one to help you learn and practice for yourself. 

Colour Wheel in stitch

There are tons of beautiful photos to teach and to inspire, and the book's design truly adds to its value. Brandeis talks about the basics like thread and base fabric choices - the colour wheel above is stitched on silk noil, and I love the texture of it. 

There are discussions of pictorial work, portraiture, abstracts, or my own favourite, text. I loved the text chapter, there were so many ideas on how to use your stitches to incorporate words into your pieces. Lots of different choices and variations on text, and I want to try them all. From strong visuals using one very readable word, to delicate asemic writing, she covers a range of concepts. 

This carries over to the other chapters as well. There is so much to explore in this book, it's one that you would be able to dip into over and over and keep trying new things. There is also a nice list of resources included at the end. Definitely one for you, if you have any desire to increase your stitching skills, your artful eye, or your ability to say something clearly in your artwork. I'll be looking for my own copy for sure. Highly recommended.

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