Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March Updates & Plans


February flew by and now it's time to take stock of March's sewing plans! I was so busy in February that I only got a couple of things accomplished out of all the things I'd hoped to do. 

I did organize my stash - not perfectly but pretty well, starting it kind of accidentally! I now know where things are, at the very least, and have weeded 30 metres. I didn't get a project done for Black History Month Pattern Designers Challenge -- I have a Khaliah Ali Simplicity pattern cut out in a purple cotton but it's not together yet.  

I also didn't get to my first Make Nine project, but I am focusing on that for this upcoming week as I want to be able to wear it while the weather is still chilly, as it's a knit dress.  

As for other March plans, there are a number of contests and challenges out there that appeal to me because they fit in with things I already want to sew :) PatternReview is holding their Little Basic Dress contest; it doesn't have to be black but it does have to be a solid which can be styled for casual day or fancier night outfits. The Make a Garment a Month account on IG has a March theme of Mellow March - and the fabric I was thinking about for the LBD contest is a yellow linen, so it would also fit this challenge! Let's see if that is enough of a push for me to make it this month or not... 

I also want to prep an art project I am thinking about; lots of fiddly designing and cutting of pieces. I hope to the have the plan done for it in March. 

And I want to start one of the classes I've signed up for this month too, or at least watch the class videos to prepare to begin. More on those later! Hopefully work won't be quite as bonkers this month so I can find the energy to sew more in the evenings. I have lots to do.

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