
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Weekend Review: Supreme Models


Supreme Models / Marcellas Reynolds 
NY: Abrams, c2019.
240 p.

Something a little different today - rather than strictly sewing, this is a book about fashion. It's a beautiful book, full of fashion images from varied magazines. It's laid out as a series of features on, as the subtitle says, "Iconic Black Women who Revolutionized Fashion". This collection of models covers those from the early days -- the 60s and beyond -- to current, new faces on the runway. 

Each feature gives the name and working dates of the model, the main designers & magazines they are known for, then a summary about them. About half of the entries have more in-depth info, and some feature interviews as well. And of course, there is at least one brilliant image of each woman. 

This was put together by fashion stylist (and former male model) Marcellas Reynolds. He talks about how important seeing black women on the runway was for him as a young man, leading him into fashion as a career. And his joy in this world and the women involved shines through. 

If you love fashion history and beautiful images, and want to learn about the development of Black-friendly modeling agencies & the powerful women behind them as well, this is a great read. It's inspiring and entertaining. Perfect mix! 

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