
Friday, February 21, 2025

Stash Rearranging!


After tracing out a bunch of patterns earlier this week, I went into the stash looking for a particular piece of fabric I wanted to use for one of them. This led to finding fabrics for all four patterns that I had prepared. So I have a month's worth of projects organized now! 

However, this also led to some fabric being moved to find what I wanted. Then more fabric. Then before I knew it, it had turned into a huge stash dive! 

I ended up opening bins, moving piles around, filling bins again, and loosely sorting what was left into vaguely colour coded piles on my sewing table. 

These pictures show about half of the fabric in my stash. It's now a bit more sorted by colour, but back in bins and piles on top of those bins. At least I have a good reminder of what's in there. There wasn't as much to get rid of as I'd expected, maybe because I had a good clearout last year. But the yearly fabric and pattern swap at my local Garment Guild is coming I'm going to be a bit more ruthless with what I've looked at and pull a few more to go. 

Considering how much I've been sewing lately, I really don't need all this fabric. There are a dozen or so that jumped out at me that I want to sew up soon, though, including the four I've picked for the upcoming projects. So I will start with those and see how it goes. It has helped to have an idea of my preferred colours and styles for my wardrobe, so I can quickly see if something is completely unfit for my stash - I still had a couple of brown fabrics that went to the giveaway pile very quickly! I found I had blacks and whites, blues and yellows, a few reds and pinks, and surprisingly, quite a lot of purple and green.

And as for substrates, I know I don't like poly so I only kept a couple of thrifted pieces because of the fabulous print, the others are heading out of the stash. A little more shuffling and I'll have my sewing table back -- then on to the first project, using the purple cotton on the top of the stack in my first photo. It's amazing how tiring this work can be -- but satisfying in the end. How about you - do you like a deep stash to pull from, or do you prefer a limited stash that you use as you go? 


  1. I have a deep stash and probably never need to buy another scrap of fabric ever again! A few years ago a young girl placed an ad on Craigslist requesting fabric as she was learning to sew. I went through everything and gave her a ton of fabrics and patterns that I didn't need and she was thrilled! I remember being a teen sewist excited to create my original designs. My fabric buying season was at a fever pitch in the last years of my career when I had no time to sew. Now that I'm retired, I'm pretty well set. I enjoy shopping my current stash and can make most anything I want at any time. The only thing I ever buy anymore are notions or specific cuts like ribbing when it's on sale.

    1. What a great way to be able to share your stash and reduce it at the same time ;) I think I will always need to buy those odd things that I might need for a project, but I should be pretty well set for fabric for ages.

  2. A few years ago I went through the stash and realized it was more than I could ever sew. I did 12 monster green garbage bags full and took it to the local junior college that offers Fashion degree/certificates. The department head was thrilled as most people want to give quilting cotton, not fashion fabric. I gave wovens and knits, most purchased from great shops and online, meaning quality fabric. Covid hit and things went on pause for the world. The department looked like the equipment it had could use replacement. He did say that most of his students could not afford the 'good stuff' so this was going to make their day. I felt good, kids got a bonus and the department came out as heros. What's not to love. I felt like I could breathe after that.

    1. That is a lot!! How wonderful that you had a place to donate that would appreciate and use it appropriately. I can imagine that most donations most places are probably quilting fabrics so yours must have been so special for them. A win-win!

  3. I used to have a very deep stash but I've been working on having just a sufficient stash. But with JoAnn's going into liquidation I may be going back to having a deeper stash and a swim pool acquaintance has offered her quilting stash. I make longer skirts and light jackets with fun linings for the local school clothing bank so having an interesting stash is always a benefit.

    1. I like having a stash but not when it hits that "too much" point! Which for me is when it outgrows my storage abilities. But if we didn't have a local fabric store, I would be more likely to keep fabric when I could get it. I hope that you'll be able to find a source for good fabric without Joanns.

  4. Well, Melanie, You spurred me on this weekend = deep dive into stash resulted in re-arranging and decisions of what to keep and what to pass on. It was cathartic but I now must really work on making up garments with what remains. The brain is working overtime trying to envision new projects. Wish me luck. Determined to make one article a month at least.

    1. Glad it was some inspiration -- the next step is using what we kept! I am also trying to match up some of these fabrics with patterns so that I have some kind of a plan. One item a month sounds like a solid idea.

  5. I never meant to accumulate a large stash, but it seems to have crept up on me! It annoys me because it takes up so much room, so I intend to donate some of it. I’ve resolved not to buy any more fabric until I’ve used up some of what I already have, but I do occasionally give in to temptation.

    1. Exactly the same here! A little bit here and there and suddenly I've outgrown my storage capacity.


Share your comments, ideas or suggestions here -- I am always interested in hearing from readers. It's nice to have a conversation!