Friday, June 28, 2024

A Blue Mood for Mend Day

I have a strange resistance to fixing something after it's done & in the closet. While I am making it, no problem to rip a seam & do something over or shorten something a little more. But if I have "finished" something I don't want to go back to do those same little fixes!

But I do want to be comfortable wearing what I make so this week I did go back & do a few minor repairs to pieces which all happened to be blue!

First I had this blue linen Rush Hour Dress by Lisette. I love this one. The issue was the back walking slit. The lining was stitched to the edges of the slit but it was pulling it, making it uneven & a bit puckered. This fix took about 10 minutes - I unpicked the lining around the slit, repinned it while the dress was hanging to avoid fabric gathering & restitched it. Done & now perfect.

Next was not a mend but it was a kind of fix. Ever since I made the Style 1065 top last year I have wanted to put shoulder pads in. I made this top with fabric from an upcycled dress & knew I had kept the original small shoulder pads somewhere! I finally found them & added them to the top & I think it improves the fit a lot, at least I like it more.

And last is a  top I made recently, Burda 109 from the August 2021 issue. The problem here was length. I had added an inch when I made it but it was just too long. I wanted it to sit on my hip, so I tested a few lengths then made the chop & picked one! I like it much better even with just one inch of difference.

 And now I can wear all of these more comfortably knowing they are just right. 


  1. Mending can be so satisfying!

    If I were you, I'd embroider a little triangle at the top of the slit in the skirt. Maybe 75 years ago, as my brother polished brand new shoes, I asked him why he was polishing them when he hadn't ever worn them. He replied "A stitch in time saves nine." I asked him, "Nine what?" He replied, "Stitches."

    1. Yes, getting things wearable again is so satisfying! I like your idea about reinforcing the slit. I think I'll do that soon.

  2. Totally agree on mends and fixes, as I too spent some effort this summer working on minor wardrobe annoyances. First was adding bra strap keepers on a top that I could use this summer in heavy rotation , but haven’t, due to the deep V neck slipping off my shoulders. Done! Next were several pairs of readymade summer weight chinos. They ride too low on my waist and gave me a droopy butt. I had read about scooping out the crotch curve on pattern pieces and decided to tackle the ready made from Talbots— Expensive pants that were going unworn again this summer! And it worked! I altered three pair in one afternoon and have so enjoyed wearing them! Enjoyed your blog, as always, a stimulating assortment of ideas! Enjoy your summer time off! Suzanne

    1. Yes! Adding bra strap keepers makes such a difference. Congrats on fixing some ready mades with sewing knowledge -- great to be able to wear your items again.


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