
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November Sewing Plans

I had a good sewing month in October, even though I didn't really sit down to make any solid plans. I had a couple of projects I knew I wanted to work on so just focused on those.

But I don't have those ideas driving me this month, so I'm back to making some plans!

With the holidays coming up, I know some of my sewing time is going to be taken up with other projects, sewing or otherwise, so I'm trying to be realistic about how much I might be able to get done before the end of the year.

This is what I'm aiming at:

This Butterick 6450 that I recently bought in a pattern sale matches up with this lovely black floral rayon twill. I hope to get this one done first! I'm aiming for View B (the blue one).

I want to use up the remainder of the blue boucle I used for my Burda dress in October, using this Rachel Comey skirt (I have to add 6" to the length of this mini though!)

And I'd like to make another Vogue 9022 in this dark red ponte - it will be great for dreary November days. I really loved the first version of this that I made a few years ago so time for a refresh of this pattern!

Upon looking through the stash in preparation for all these plans, I find that I have a pile of fun knits, all between 1.5 and 2 m. I'm not sure what to make with them yet, but am looking through some top patterns and also thinking about some simple dress patterns. Suggestions welcome!

How about you? How's your fall sewing shaping up? Are you planning on doing a lot of sewing for yourself in the next months or do you focus more on sewing for others at this time of year? I don't do a lot of sewing for others; when I do it is usually fabric based gifts that aren't clothing :) Whatever you choose, I hope that the remainder of your 2019 sewing brings you joy!


  1. I made the Vogue 9022 in a red liverpool knit right after seeing your first version of it. There must be something about the pattern that calls for red fabric!

    1. Maybe it's the influence of the cover image! But I agree, this dress really stands out in a bright red. Hopefully this ponte will last a little longer than the last :)

  2. I *had* fall plans but, we've been below freezing and not looking to come out of this cold snap anytime soon. So now, it's winter! :)

    I was just thinking of a boucle skirt! I think skirts/dresses + tights and boots are often just as warm as long pants. I have a yard of a very expensive hand painted boucle from Mood fabrics...a skirt it shall be :)

    I love that Vogue, the pockets are so brilliantly done. I wish I'd grabbed that Rachel Comey skirt pattern way back when!!Can't wait to see it.

    1. Yep, we've had a lot of snow and a few cold days now! Sigh. But I'll still wear my skirt with tights :) I also find a skirt & solid tights warmer than pants -- especially now that I have a few pairs of fleecy tights. Cozy!

      I love this Rachel Comey skirt and I seem to have got the sizing right this time! Hurrah! I love a bouclé and if you do use your fancy fabric for a skirt I will be so excited to see how it turns out.


Share your comments, ideas or suggestions here -- I am always interested in hearing from readers. It's nice to have a conversation!